Our Services


Bushi,inc. is the only producing company based on Japanese artistic beauty sense.
We provide 3 services giving a new original twist based on a mount of achievements industries
both in Japan and abroad by utilizing latest and traditional technologies and cultures.

Producing and Consulting Business


We Provide several solutions such as Business Strategy, Business Partnership Strategy, Sales Channel Development,
Service and Products Development and Utilization of region and historical cultural property and so on.

Lifestyle Proposing Business

“和” を活かした豊かなライフスタイルを提案する事業を展開

We propose a rich lifestyle using "WA" spirit
through operating Japanese confectionary (Wagashi) and Matcha cafe.

Japanese culture instructors Dispatch Business

300 種類を超える独自のカリキュラムを利用した和の講師を通じて、

We operate some events and provide corporate training and plan sightseeing tour
through our Japanese culture instructors who have more than 300 our special curriculums.

Our Services

我々は、日本の美意識を活かしたプロデュース集団です。 最新と伝統の技術を活かし国内外の多様な業界での実績から、 弊社独自の視座をいかして、3つの事業を展開しています。

Bushi,inc. is the only producing company based on Japanese artistic beauty sense.
We provide 3 services giving a new original twist based on a mount of achievements industries both in Japan and abroad by utilizing latest and traditional technologies and cultures.

Producing and Consulting Business


We Provide several solutions such as Business Strategy, Business Partnership Strategy, Sales Channel Development,
Service and Products Development and Utilization of region and historical cultural property and so on.

Lifestyle Proposing Business

独自の和菓子と抹茶のカフェレストランの運営を通じて、 “和” を活かした豊かなライフスタイルを提案する事業を展開

We propose a rich lifestyle using "WA" spirit through operating Japanese confectionary (Wagashi) and Matcha cafe.

Japanese culture instructors Dispatch Business

300 種類を超える独自のカリキュラムを利用した和の講師を通じて、 イベントや法人研修や観光のプランニングなどを展開

We operate some events and provide corporate training and plan sightseeing tour through our Japanese culture instructors who have more than 300 our special curriculums.

Company profiles

武士株式会社 Bushi,inc.
創立 Foundation 2008 / 1 / 1
京都本社 〒600-8491
京都市下京区室町通綾小路上がる鶏鉾町 480番地
オフィスワン四条烏丸 204
Kyoto HQ 204 Office-one shijyokarasuma, 480 niwatoriboko-cho,
muromatidouri-ayanokouji-agaru, shimogyo-ku, Kyoto city, Japan, 600-8491
京都支店 〒600-8413
京都市下京区烏丸通仏光寺下ル大政所町 680-1 第八長谷ビル 301
Kyoto BO 301 Daihachi Hase Building, 680-1 Ohmandokoro-cho,
karasumadouri-bukkouji-sagaru, shimogyo-ku, Kyoto city, Japan, 600-8413
東京支店 〒100-6208
東京都千代田区丸の内 1-11-1 パシフィックセンチュリープレイス8階
Tokyo BO 8F Pacific century place, 1-11-1 Marunouchi, Chiyodaku, Tokyo-city, 100-6208
バリ支社 Bali BO
Jl. Patih Jelantik, Istana Kuta Galeria Blok PM I No 17 Kuta Badung Bali 80361, Indonesia
代表電話 Tel 日本 / Japan 075-341-4677 インドネシア / Indonesia 0361-769072
代表取締役 President 安丸宗作 Shusaku Yasumaru

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